Friday, 20 August 2021

Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg


Ysterklou is reeds voor die Engelse Oorlog Herk Drie Hamman se beskeie tuiste vir sy familie se sakebelange. Die maatskappy groei tot ’n reus, maar sukses kom nie sonder sonde nie; Ysterklou het meer geraamtes in die kas as geld in die bank. Op Vrischgewaagt boer net vroue, en met groot sukses. Vier geslagte na mekaar sterf hulle mans jonk en laat net ’n dogter na; gruwelike ongelukke, of iets anders? En die Bakwena se hele bekende wêreld word omver gewerp deur die onverwagte koms van die basweu – wit mense – wat gekom het en bly. Maar, danksy versiende hoofmanne, staan die Bakwena ook sterk.

Niemand bly onaangeraak nie. Maar drie sterk bulle is te veel vir Zandfontein se klein kraaltjie.

Eenkant, uit die hoofstroom, in die skadu van die Magaliesberg –die ou Kashan-berg – leef en sterf helde en skurke, heiliges en owerspelers, woestaards en wellustelinge; gewone mense ook. Die mooiste en lelikste van die lewe bind die Zandfonteiners. Die jongste geslag stry om sin te maak van die hede; die verlede is verby, die toekoms is onseker.

Genoeg is altyd nog meer as wat ’n mens het. Die magtige Ysterklou het sy oog op die Vrischgewaagt-vroue se uitgebreide agribesigheid, asook die skatte onder die Bakwena se grond; dalk is daar selfs diamante. Op hulle beurt beplan die Vrischgewaagt-vroue en die Bakwena om die Hammans ’n streep te trek en beheer van Ysterklou te verkry; daardie pot goud is net te begeerlik.

Uiteindelik, op dáárdie vergadering, dryf Erika Hamman sake op die spits en niks is ooit weer dieselfde nie.

A Generation Apart by Dave Baker


Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg

Whereas most people barely bat an eyelid when a middle-aged man becomes romantically involved with a girl more than thirty years his junior, a middle-aged woman who takes on a youth that much younger than her is accused of having a ‘toy boy’.

Wendy Forsyth finds herself in that exact predicament when she finds herself seriously attracted to a neighbour’s son while giving him extra maths lessons. 

The story describes her fears, worries and emotions in detail as she battles with her unusual conundrum.

You’ll likely experience a mixture of reactions as you follow what transpires – at times sympathy with her plight but, at others, criticism of her actions. But, whatever your response, you’ll find it a fascinating read.

Alfonzo's Quest by Toekie Oberholzer


Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg

... a baby falling through space ...

The existential despair of his identical twin brother sends Alfonzo Vaughn on an urgent quest to uncover their mysterious parentage. While a psychiatrist explores the telepathic connection, shared dreams and past life memories of the twins, Alfonzo embarks on a psychological journey which takes him from the pubs and police cells of Cape Town to the exotic hippie culture and Buddhist monasteries of Kathmandu and entangles him in a manhunt for an international drug lord.

If you can't play it . . . by John Hargreaves

 ‘I’m the best drummer in the country’ John Hargreaves would jokingly say. Then add, self-deprecatingly, ‘Pretty average in the city, but in the country I’m tops’. This is public persona John, cocky and cheerful. His memoir shows  another more complex, more interesting John, who, although born into the hey day of white privilege, found himself, at fifteen, out of school, homeless and obliged to support himself. Undaunted, optimistic, gay, recklessly promiscuous, doggedly self-sufficient, he drummed his way from job to job, from gig to gig, from lover to lover, from Johannesburg to New York, from pop to classics, from dance band to orchestra. And then from contentment to despair …

DORINGDRAADSTORIES deur Francois Jordaan


Doringdraadstories vertel van sorgelose plaaskinders wat wild grootgeword het met koel Vaalriviersand tussen die tone, die roep van visarende en familiekuiers om eetkamertafels. 

Die skrywer onthou lekkerkuierstories uit sy jongdae: stories met stertjies, want sonder ʼn tit­seltjie verbuiging is sulke stories soos kos sonder speserye. Dit was tye toe die lewe ongekompliseerd, misdaadvry en min­der gejaagd was; toe daar altyd tyd vir gesels en onverwagte gaste was. 

Geniet sy verhale oor paraffienyskaste, diamantsmokkelary en 1950’s-inryteaters waar Wilde Weste-helde twaalf skote uit six-shooters kon kry, sonder herlaai. Dit was tye toe lekkie pêkets se pienk diakenpille en jêp skrêp-speelgoed ‘n kind se grootste drome bewaarheid het.  

Daar is stories oor swaarkry: van voorgeslagte se geswoeg ná Kitchener se verskroeideaardebeleid; versengende droogtes; uitmergelende vee­voerskuld. 

Doringdraadstories nooi lesers om ‘n paar oomblikke tot rus te kom en ‘n bietjie suiwer nostalgie te geniet.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020



Uitleg en omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg

ʼn Deeglik nagevorste, onderhoudende vertelling van ʼn ryk lewe deur iemand wat in Hermanus gebore en getoë is. Die vertellings, soms komies, soms aandoenlik van die lewe soos dit was, betrek die leser by die mense van vroeër en wanneer dit nog verder in die geskiedenis delf na die herkoms van twee families, verdiep die betrokkenheid en verbreed die perspektief oor ons herkoms. Voeg daarby die plasing van die gebeure teen die agtergrond van wêreldgebeure en die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika, word dit nog meer relevant en word dit meer as ʼn nostalgiese belewenis van die verlede.

Die verteller het wye draaie deur die land geloop en weer tuisgekom in sy hartland om hier die geskiedenis vir sy onmiddellike familie neer te pen. Dis kosbaar dat hierdie verhaal op so ʼn wyse vir die nageslag bewaar word en die kinders en kleinkinders nie eendag hoef te wonder waar hulle vandaan kom nie. Die spore lê voorwaar diep en wyd.

Elize Gerber

Monday, 5 October 2020

VUUR IN SY VINGERS – die verreikende invloed van NP van Wyk Louw


Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg

Wat ’n interessante en insiggewende projek met bydraes deur o.a. Max du Preez, Koos Kombuis en PG du Plessis wat ek besonder baie geniet het. Asook ’n kykie agter die gordyn oor RAKA (die ballet) deur een van ons bekendste balletdansers, Eduard Greyling.

VUUR IN SY VINGERS – die verreikende invloed van NP van Wyk Louw is vandag drukkers toe.

Die ISBN-nommer is: 978-1-928283-59-1

En kan bestel word by Hemel & See boeke:

Foon 028 316 4852

Sel 082 750 7274

Friday, 20 March 2020

JEANNE GOOSEN 'n lewe vol sinne deur Petrovna Metelerkamp

Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg
“Ek is op twee maande deur gypsies gesteel en deur hulle grootgemaak.” So begin Jeanne Goosen haar CV. ’n Lewe vol sinne vertel die verdere lewensverhaal van hierdie geliefde skrywer. Daar word onder meer geput uit haar eie biografiese aantekeninge, uit verhale wat moontlik waarhede bevat, uit gesprekke met haar en uit onderhoude met die media.

Beskikbaar in, of bestel by alle groot boekwinkels:
JEANNE GOOSEN 'n lewe vol sinne deur Petrovna Metelerkamp
Uitgegee deur Hemel & See boeke
ISBN 978-1-928283-39-3

HET JY GEWEET EK KAN TOOR deur Jeanne Goosen

Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg
“My boek het vanself gebeur – nadat ek een aand in Stellenbosch
’n roos in ’n kat verander het.
Jeanne Goosen

“Goosen is ’n kulkunstenaar, ’n towenaar”
Joan Hambidge

Beskikbaar in, of bestel by alle groot boekwinkels:
HET JY GEWEET EK KAN TOOR deur Jeanne Goosen
Uitgegee deur Hemel & See boeke
ISBN 978-1-928283-38-6

Sunday, 26 January 2020

LOS GEDAGTES deur Jeanne Goosen

Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg

Goosen op haar beste: sinies, skerp, satiries en, goeie genugtig, so rég. Daarby onhebbelik snaaks.
Martie Meiring

Wat ’n vreugde vir die brein. Wat ’n verkwiklike voeding vir die siel. Afrikaans is nog selde met soveel driftige vaardigheid geskryf!
Leon van Nierop

O, ek geniet vir Jeanne! Elke woord, elke sin is ’n basaar. Sy skryf met sewe woorde dit wat ander mense bladsye aan wroeg.
Celesté Fritze

Jeanne Goosen se woorde, “Engels het nie die vitamiene wat die Afrikaanse taal het nie,” beskryf hierdie versameling op sy beste.
Leonie van Rensburg

Beskikbaar in, of bestel by alle groot boekwinkels:
LOS GEDAGTES deur Jeanne Goosen
Uitgegee deur Hemel & See boeke
ISBN 978-1-928283-38-6

Saturday, 25 January 2020


Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg

Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg


Every town and city in the world changes with time, but Hermanus is one of the special few
that retain their unique-ness despite progress and development – in this case due to the regular return of the whales, the dramatic shoreline and pristine beaches, the incomparable Hemel-en-Aarde Valley and the life-enhancing, ozone-rich air, to name but a few.
This book is dedicated to all the people of Hermanus who have over many decades given so much of their time, money and energy to help keep our town beautiful, clean, safe and unique.

Meander along white beaches with sapphire blue waters, along a coastline with unsurpassed views, through undulating fields of fynbos or lanes and alleys where old and new blend harmoniously.
Welcome to Hermanus!

JUST HERMANUS is available in (or can be ordered at) all major bookstores just quote the title and the following ISBN-number:
ISBN: 978-1-928283-28-7

A KIND OF COUSIN by Suenel Bruwer Holloway

Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg

This very first anthology of short stories by Suenel Bruwer Holloway is a fresh breeze, blowing irreverently through old taboos, sweeping away the cobwebs of political correctness. With tongue-in-cheek humour Suenel captures the spirit of the people of our wonderful, sad and broken country; also the essence of humankind everywhere.
There is the sadness of an old lady in “The Statistic”, who is cunningly stashing away morphine and sleeping tablets for an “assisted departure”, fooling the nursing staff of the retirement centre; there is the infallible logic of a child in the title story, “A Kind of Cousin” and a startling different view of prostitution in “The Healer”.  Enjoy “The Right Therapist” where the author pokes fun at “shrinks” and psychoanalysts.
“Horseflesh” is an ode to the donkey: Old Langoor who should have been called Lionheart, refusing to be broken by abuse and starvation.
Fasten your seatbelt; be ready to be carried away by topics usually swaddled in cotton wool: farm murders, religious obsession, the Afrikaner’s ties to the land, old age and dying.

Suenel Bruwer Holloway lives in the small village, McGregor, near Robertson in the Western Cape. She has published several dramas, poems and individual short stories, and some of her children’s verse have been put to music. Some of her plays have been turned into musicals. She is also involved in the poetry festival which is hosted at McGregor each year.
A Kind of Cousin is her first single author short story anthology.

Anthology of Short Stories
Paperback / / 148mm x 210mm / 194 pages

For those who enjoy:
Readers that don’t buy into received truth
Travelers that dip in and out of a book
Fiction fans with limited time wanting substance
Wide ranging topics - satirical, sinister and funny

A KIND OF COUSIN by Suenel Bruwer Holloway is available in (or can be ordered at) all major bookstores just quote the title, author and the following ISBN-number:
ISBN: 978-1-928283-36-2


Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg

For Keeps is the result of a commitment the Hermanus History Society made to ensure that the town’s history ‘comes alive’ for the public. Written between 2013 and 2019 by Dr Robin Lee for local and national media, these 30 articles feature high and low points in Hermanus’s history over a period of 150 years: frequent and destructive fires; the sad story of an under-utilised New Harbour, the rise and fall of the hotel holiday culture and the depletion of Walker Bay’s marine resources.
Meet characters that influenced the development of Hermanus: people like P J Luyt, Meester Paterson, T D Ravenscroft, Sir William Hoy and the Grants. Read about a past era of genteel living, contrasted with the hardships of a waning fish industry; about a South African holiday town during the Second World War and visits by nobles and influential personalities.
Relive the histories of many famous hotels, shopping emporiums, restaurants, cafés and natural attractions. Follow the changes brought about by tourism throughout the twentieth century up until today when Hermanus provides an unforgettable experience for the modern visitor.
Experience the gradual metamorphosis of a nineteenth-century fishing village, Hermanuspietersfontein, into a modern, prosperous town, Hermanus, despite having no specific industry or mineral resources to sustain its growth.

Order from:
Robin Lee
Tel: 028 312 4072

WHO AM I by Peter Plum

Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg

The author’s courage, his confidence, and his lively sense of fun are threads that run through this story of one man’s life: importantly his experience of momentous world events and how he survived them. His guts and intelligence – with some help from lady luck – averted almost certain death.
He begins his story with some ancestral history, and then describes his young life in Germany before and during the dramatic 20th century upheavals of World War II, when he was forced to serve in the Hitler Youth and to join the army. Those experiences gave him a strong aversion to war and violence.
He goes on to relate how he came to South Africa and what it took to succeed as an industrialist in a foreign country where he spoke no English, while pursuing, with great determination, his dream of having a home and family (and a small car).
Peter Plum’s prodigious memory for detail lends authenticity and charm to his descriptions and makes fascinating reading for those interested in recent history as told by a survivor who is now in his nineties, and for anyone wanting an entertaining insight into a long life well lived.

Peter Plum
Tel.: 028 314 1404

Friday, 24 January 2020


Cover design and book layout by Stella Stofberg

Gill Marais had an idyllic and privileged pre-war childhood in South Africa, land of her Huguenot ancestors, before moving to Europe and living the bohemian art-student dream in London. After aa troubled first marriage, with a revived lust for life she returned  to Europe and swinging London,  married a titled Frenchman and became a diplomat’s wife in Cold War Europe and Washington, USA, at key turning points in the sixties and seventies. After her second divorce she took up photojournalism and the search for spiritual enlightenment in the mountains of Ladakh.  Much of this world has now disappeared, literally and figuratively, in the political and social upheavals of the last fifty years.
Surviving the Family combines letters (seldom with politically correct comments) and describes encounters with the rich and famous, from those in the corridors of power, to royalty, the Pope and Dalí. Throughout the book runs the thread of coming to terms with her unusual parental relationships and the acceptance that you cannot force a loving bond.

Memoir /  World Affairs / Travel

Paperback: 240 mm x 165 mm
462 pages, 82 b/w photos

Readers who will find this book fascinating:

  • Non-fiction readers who are interested in public figures and Society in the years of Change in America and Europe
  • Travel enthusiasts
  • History buffs, particularly world events

Surviving the Family by Gill Marais is available in (or can be ordered at) all major bookstores just quote the title, author and the following ISBN-number:
ISBN:  978-1-928283-29-4

Sunday, 7 July 2019



Suid Afrika – September 1939

Die verklaring van oorlog teen Nazi-Duitsland deur die Smuts-regering ruk ʼn Afrikanerfamilie uiteen: Die wedywering tussen twee Vrystaatse broers neem dodelike afmetings aan wanneer sjarmante Pierre die romantiese keuse maak en by die lugmag in Noord-Afrika aansluit, en Jan, sy ewe aantreklike jonger broer, die eed van die militante vleuel van die Ossewa-Brandwag aflê: ʼn eed wat net deur die dood verbreek kan word …
Veels geluk aan Dave Baker met sy #historieseroman AS EK OMDRAAI, SKIET MY.
Lees meer daaroor en waar dit bestel kan word op:
Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg

Monday, 24 June 2019


ROSY RAGDOLL IN DEEP WATERS is a delightful new #childrensbook published by Heritage Publications and written by Alta Pretorius. The colourful illustrations were done by Jeanette Mokawem.
Read more about it on:

Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg
Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg

Friday, 14 June 2019


Gifts like coffee mugs, mousepads, slingbags, crockery, pillowcases, linen, keyrings, etc. can be ordered from me, or can be specially designed for your shop, business, home or friends.

Mouse pad designed by Stella Stofberg

Coffee mug with a Stella Stofberg design

Pillow case designed by Stella Stofberg

Napkin or tablecloth design by Stella Stofberg

Slingbag with a Stella Stofberg design

Decorative dinner plate with a Stella Stofberg design

Dinnerplate design by Stella Stofberg

Contact me at:
to order or discuss a personal design.

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graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Personalized Signage for your Guesthouse / Business / Home

This range of light-hearted Africa-inspired Signage was designed for the beautiful estate, Kondwani in Lilongwe, Malawi: Estate Name Board, Letterhead and -footer, Business Card, Service Board, Email signature as well as the signage for the estate's products.

Estate Name Board designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Letterhead designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Letter-footer designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Service Board designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Email Signature designed by Stella Stofberg
Estate Products Advertisement designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Products Business Card designed by Stella Stofberg

Estate Products Label designed by Stella Stofberg
Contact me to design personalized signage for you to suit your unique style and image:

self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa books books books books books books books books books South Africa
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Wednesday, 17 April 2019


Layout and Cover Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Tuesday, 5 March 2019


Cover & Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Cover & Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Layout & Cover Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Friday, 9 November 2018


Cover and layout design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Monday, 8 October 2018


Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Wednesday, 26 September 2018


Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Cover designed by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Thursday, 24 May 2018

HONDEKLIPBAAI: van toeka tot nou

Layout design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

A Bridge to Light Openers

Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Die spook wat boomgeklim en lig gesien het

Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The Little Chef

Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Cover and Layout Design Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa 
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa self-publish South Africa books books books books books books books books books South Africa
graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer 


Cover and Layout Design by Stella Stofberg
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graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer graphic designer